One Night at Ksar Jouamaa: Immersion in the Desert and Time

Authentic Escape: Leaving the Touristy for the Authentic

The “One Night at Ksar Jouamaa” excursion is a gateway to the authenticity of southern Tunisia. Far from the usual tourist attractions, this two-day adventure transports you to a world where raw nature and Berber culture blend harmoniously. Get ready to leave the beaten path and dive into an exceptional experience.

Discovery of Ksars: Fortresses of Time

Your journey begins with the exploration of the ksars, these 17th-century fortresses that proudly stand in the desert landscape. Cross the Chott, the Reg, and the Erg to understand the various facets of the Tunisian desert. You will uncover the secrets of these historical monuments, which have witnessed generations and preserve captivating tales.

Meeting the Local Life: Sharing and Exchange

The heart of this adventure lies in the authentic encounters with the inhabitants of the desert. During your visit to the cave village of Matmata, you will be welcomed into a homestay. Taste rosemary tea, a local treasure, as you explore the houses carved into the earth. Experience a unique moment of sharing that will connect you to Berber traditions.

A Magical Sunset: Dinner at the Top of the World

The summit of the Dhaher mountains offers an unparalleled spectacle: a sunset that paints the sky with enchanting colors. At Ksar Jouamaa, a 17th-century fortress, dine under a starry sky and immerse yourself in the enchanting ambiance of this historic place. Spend the night in a ghorfa, a troglodyte room, for an extraordinary experience.

Journey into the Star Wars Legacy: Sidi Idriss and Beyond

Walk in the footsteps of George Lucas and explore the Star Wars filming locations at Sidi Idriss. This excursion immerses you in a world that is both real and cinematic. Follow your local guide through the Berber village, discover iconic settings, and create memories that blend fiction and reality.

An Unforgettable Itinerary: Journey Through Time and Space

The detailed itinerary for these two days is designed to provide you with a comprehensive experience of the Tunisian desert. From picturesque Berber villages to endless stretches of sand dunes, to natural hot springs, each stop is a window into the cultural and natural richness of the southern region of the country.

Awaken Your Senses: Not-to-be-Missed Details

Don’t forget to bring your sunscreen and sunglasses to fully enjoy every moment outdoors. Opt for comfortable sneakers to walk through the Berber villages and explore the historic ghorfas in the best conditions. If you prefer to avoid spicy dishes, please inform the team in advance for meals tailored to your preferences. And don’t forget to have some pocket money for souvenirs and tips.

The “One Night at Ksar Jouamaa” excursion is a rare opportunity to immerse yourself in local life, discover hidden desert gems, and walk in the footsteps of Star Wars.

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